Adventure trips are very different from normal commercial tours, we acknowledge the fact that outdoor activities such as trekking, whitewater rafting, mountaineering etc. are activities with an element of risk involved and during any such kind of a trip there has to be a balance between the risk and the reward. With thoughtful planning and execution we ensure that your trip is successful and the level of uncertainty is minimized. Being our clients we wish to inform you of certain expectations we have from you which will make the trip more safe and enjoyable for everyone.
Choosing a Trip
Our trips are graded according to the difficulty level and we would be more than happy to make you choose a trip depending upon your skill level and physical conditioning. Please do not let ambition overcloud your judgement while choosing the difficulty level on a trek. We would me more than happy to see you grow as an avid outdoorsman from a scratch than taking you demanding trek which might not be safe for you
Physical and medical Fitness
Our Trips take place in the great Indian outdoors where we might have little or no access to medical facilities. We expect the participants to be reasonable physical condition with respect to the trip they undertake. It is necessary that we are informed in advance in respect to medical issues and limitations of the participants. For any clarifications please do not hesitate to get in touch with us
Do not hide issues
We request you to be honest in terms of how you are feeling, let us know of any personal difficulties you are facing whether it is in terms of physical discomfort or your medical well-being. You might be very fit however still may feel discomfort at high altitude. Not disclosing facts might put both you and your team in danger.
Your team leader would be qualified to take best decisions for you and the team do approach him/her without any hesitation.
Level of Involvement
On easy and moderate treks you just enjoy the nature and become one with the surroundings however during challenging trips such as crossing high passes and mountaineering expeditions we expect your complete participation in team activities, you would be expectedto cook, clean, carry load at the higher camps and also pitch and break tents. We do let you know about the expected level of participation before the commencement of the tour.
Decision Making
As per the term of contract you need to abide by the authority of the leader, your own safety and welfare of the whole team lies upon his/her shoulders. The decision taken by the trip leader in all respects would be final and binding. You may be asked to discontinue the tour without any entitlement to refund in case the leader feels that your general wellbeing might be at risk through continuation of the trip.
Be flexible
Mountains are great levelers, the trip might be going perfectly and suddenly the weather might get so bad that you are not able to get out of the tents. We ensure the best safety procedures however the weather and the terrain are out of our control. Be assured such challenges are part and parcel of being in the wild. Sometimes we might not be able to reach the summit, not be able to go through the pass or get stuck in the same place for some time, under such circumstances we should be mentally prepared to push ourselves, maybe stay camped our try a different route which the tour leader suggests.
Your Own Safety
In the end There is an old saying “The mountains will always be there, the trick is to make sure you are too” in other words please be safe.